That is my closed laptop and my pretty pink mouse. It should have been open when I snapped this picture but well my concentration and focus is about 0! So it was closed. No idea what is up with that but it would be totally awesome if the inspiration / concentration fairy would come kick me in the ass.
You hear that concentration fairy?
I am waiting for a little dose of focus? Or could you please take this cats focus off of perching on my mouse pad? He does not take my hints very well. I know I am awesome and all but shouldn’t he take the hint of me taking him to a whole other room? I guess he just loves me.
Please come visit me tomorrow, it will be perfect I promise. The kids will be at school and I will go for a run after all I gotta keep up with the whole getting into shape new years resolution thing. So right after that I will be ready!
I will be waiting. I will even hold my breath. On second thought maybe not hold my breath. I will just wait.
P.S. You are the hottest fairy every Concentration fairy!
P.P.S. Remind me to change my main characters name tomorrow when I start editing/writing. Right after you kick my ass with concentration!
This post so didn’t tell me what the hell concentration is but hopefully I can focus tomorrow. I gotta sleep now of course.
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