Are you creating a Series Bible?
As I begin to write the third book in the Blood Pact series the facts about the books have started to run together. For example what’s that character’s last name or hair color. Seriously, I couldn’t remember what Nick’s last name was. I like to liken it to being a mom and calling your kid the other kid’s names until you get the right name.
Well even if I call my kids by the wrong names I want to be organized when it comes to my writing. I am constantly making lists and planning my books out ahead of time with writing journals and index cards. I have started creating a Series Bible for the Blood Pact Series based on information I read at Deadline Dames. They had awesome information that I found very useful.
Well I decided to make myself some tools for my Series Bible to keep myself even more organized. I created a set of printables to organize my main characters, places, and even minor characters. Thesee are the ones I was able to create right now, and if I think of anymore I will be offering those as well on here. But for now enjoy these free printables to start your Series Bible to organize your writing.
Download the different pages: Main Characters, Places, and Minor Characters. If you like this post, you may also like the 30 Day Publishing Blueprint.