The 30 Day Publishing Blueprint is a day by day guide to get writers from idea to published product in 30 days. With the 30 Day Publishing Blueprint you will get the tools to help you: -Organize your book. -Help to stay on task with daily goals and check lists. -Advice for forming your publishing team. Including your editor, beta readers and cover designer. -Revision tips and tools. -Marketing tools and tips. Facebook promotion groups ... Read the Post...
50+ Places To Promote Your Ebooks
As an author knowing how and where to market your books is nearly as essential as writing them. There are tons of ways to market your books such as your own author fan page on Facebook, newsletter list (which is super important to actively build), Twitter and Instagram (I am kind of an Instagram whore, you can find my Instagram here). But there are other places to promote your books as well. There are websites that are dedicated to book promotion ... Read the Post...
NaNoWriMo Goal Tracker 2015 #NaNoWriMo #amwriting
NaNoWriMo is fast upon us and I decided to make a printable that will make my and hopefully completing your goals easier. My plan is to use it by printing it out and placing it in my story notebook, my notebook that I keep to make notes about whatever I am working on. On it I will keep track of goals and where I am at in my story word count. I am a visual person so hopefully it is write up my alley: You can get your pdf version for printing ... Read the Post...
Get Twisted Fate FREE with Newsletter Signup
Hey everyone if you sign up for my newsletter you can receive my book Twisted Fate for FREE, just sign up here. About Twisted Fate: History repeating itself is usually a joke people make to explain things that seem to happen over and over again. But what if it is more than that? Amelia Fitzgerald is about to find out that the saying is more than what she ever thought it was. After a tragic accident claimed the lives of her ... Read the Post...