I can't wait! Starting today we can all find our Summer Book Crush. Exciting, right? Well I am even more excited because my new book Blood Pact is one of the ones featured in this awesome promotion. So look for it and many others. Hot sun, hot sand, cool drinks, dark tans. Ahhhh. But your summer won’t be complete until you land a new BOOK BOYFRIEND, right? Lucky for you, we’ve got you covered! SUMMER BOOK CRUSH offers ... Read the Post...
Blood Pact Part 2 is coming
So I have been working intensely on the sequel to Blood Pact, and it is really coming along. Howevera name for the sequel is just not coming to me at this time. I have the story planned out and I hoping that the name comes to me by the time I have it finished. So far in saves it is just called Blood Pact 2 or BP 2. And BP 2 isn't even cool because it makes me think of blood pressure. Anyway if you have read Blood Pact I would love to hear what ... Read the Post...
It’s Here Blood Pact by Sharon Rose Mayes
I think that I have been working on Blood Pact forever. Well maybe not forever but I remember started it in a college history class a couple of years ago and writing it while I was supposed to be taking notes. Little did my professor know, that instead of furiously scribbling notes that I was writing this book. I think that I probably hand wrote 75% of this book. Blood Pact is about the adventures of Riley Spencer a vampire hunter for the ... Read the Post...
Hey Pretty Boy and a Friday Book Update
So I have been writing and editing and am almost ready to release my first YA book to the masses via Amazon. But I have to say that it has been a labor of love and it keeps my mind going. Like when I am at my day job or am sitting in class. Hell it is even on my mind when my son is at soccer practice. I am the mom sitting in her chair with a notebook and clipboard furiously scribbling stuff out. Yes in case you are wondering there is always a ... Read the Post...