So I have been working intensely on the sequel to Blood Pact, and it is really coming along. Howevera name for the sequel is just not coming to me at this time. I have the story planned out and I hoping that the name comes to me by the time I have it finished. So far in saves it is just called Blood Pact 2 or BP 2. And BP 2 isn't even cool because it makes me think of blood pressure. Anyway if you have read Blood Pact I would love to hear what ... Read the Post...
It’s Here Blood Pact by Sharon Rose Mayes
I think that I have been working on Blood Pact forever. Well maybe not forever but I remember started it in a college history class a couple of years ago and writing it while I was supposed to be taking notes. Little did my professor know, that instead of furiously scribbling notes that I was writing this book. I think that I probably hand wrote 75% of this book. Blood Pact is about the adventures of Riley Spencer a vampire hunter for the ... Read the Post...
Hey Pretty Boy and a Friday Book Update
So I have been writing and editing and am almost ready to release my first YA book to the masses via Amazon. But I have to say that it has been a labor of love and it keeps my mind going. Like when I am at my day job or am sitting in class. Hell it is even on my mind when my son is at soccer practice. I am the mom sitting in her chair with a notebook and clipboard furiously scribbling stuff out. Yes in case you are wondering there is always a ... Read the Post...
Maintaining my focus and book updates.
I am in a tunnel and even though I see the light at the end of the tunnel I keep getting sidetrack from that light(my goals). And now is my time to focus on those goals. So I should get busy instead of rambling about my goals. Right? Anyway here is some more of that rambling that I am so good at. I started a new semester of college and am very excited about the classes I am taking. Of course Creative Writing, Young Adult Literature and British ... Read the Post...